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Best Home's Outstanding OIP Survey Results

Jun 6

3 min read




Best Home Director Mr Tay conducting his weekly OIP sessions with MDWs, at Best Home's lodging facility.

What is OIP?

OIP stands for Orienteering and Integration Program. It is an exclusive training service provided by Best Home Employment Agency for newly arrived MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs). The OIP is designed to facilitate the smooth transition of MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) into life in Singapore. Tailored specifically for maids seeking employment opportunities in the city-state, this program offers a structured curriculum covering vital aspects of living, working, and thriving in Singapore. These face to face lessons also provide opportunities for Best Home to address any anxieties or queries our MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) may have, before they step foot into their respective employers' households.

This is in addition to the mandatory Settling-In Program (SIP) by the Ministry of Manpower Singapore. First time MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) are required to attend the one day course by MOM. For more information on the SIP:

OIP is complimentary to SIP, as OIP revises certain topics taught, but also include additional knowledge that are relevant for first time MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs).

OIP is conducted personally by Best Home Director Mr Tay and his trainers at Best Home's lodging facility. Best Home Director Mr Tay also makes use of this opportunity to check in with the mental well-being of our new MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs), many whom are adjusting to their new environments. Occasionally, Mr Tay brings home-cooked meals or goodies to encourage Best Home MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs).

Best Home director bringing in home-cooked meals for Best Home MDWs.

Topics taught during OIP

OIP covers these vital topics:

1. Understanding Life in Singapore: The program begins by providing an in-depth introduction to life in Singapore. From the vibrant multicultural society to the efficient infrastructure and high living standards, MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) are acquainted with the unique characteristics of Singaporean society. This includes basic information on housing, healthcare, education, and recreational facilities available in the country.

2. Navigating Public Transport: A key component of the program is familiarising participants with Singapore's extensive public transportation network. MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) are taught how to navigate the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system, and buses efficiently. They learn about route planning, fare payment methods, and the importance of punctuality when using public transport.

3. Dengue Prevention: Given the tropical climate of Singapore, the risk of dengue fever is ever-present. The program educates MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) on the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic environment to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, which transmit the dengue virus. They learn about common breeding grounds, symptoms of dengue fever, and preventive measures to safeguard themselves and their employers' households.

4. Water Conservation: Singapore is known for its efforts in water conservation and sustainability. MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) are instructed on the importance of water conservation practices, such as using water-efficient appliances, fixing leaks promptly, and practicing responsible water usage habits. Through practical demonstrations and discussions, they grasp the significance of preserving this precious resource in Singapore's context.

5. Social and Cultural Norms: Understanding and respecting social and cultural norms are crucial for successful integration into Singaporean society. MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) are introduced to the diverse cultural fabric of Singapore, including customs, traditions, and etiquette. They learn about greeting protocols, dining etiquette, religious practices, and other social conventions to ensure harmonious interactions with employers and the local community. Eg. how to stand when on the escalators, how to say hi and bye etc.

OIP Survery Results

MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) who went though Best Home's OIP are asked to fill up a survery voluntarily. Best Home gathers the feedback from our own MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) for quality assurance and improvement purposes.

We are happy to announce that recent survey results from our MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) were extremely positive:

Best Home will continue providing our exclusive OIP to Best Home MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs), taking MDWs (foreign domestic helpers/maids/FDWs) feedback into consideration.

Jun 6

3 min read





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