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Essential Water-Saving Tips for Domestic Helpers

Feb 6

5 min read




The importance of water conservation in our homes cannot be overstated. Every drop of water saved counts as we strive to reduce our ecological footprint and lower our utility bills. Best Home Employment Agency stands out for the quality of service its domestic helpers provide and its commitment to environmental sustainability. 

The agency's innovative Onboarding and Orientation Program (OIP), meticulously designed to equip domestic helpers with the knowledge and skills necessary for efficient water usage, is at the heart of this commitment. This initiative, helmed by the agency's Director, underscores a dual focus: reducing household water bills and contributing to global water conservation efforts.

Understanding the Importance of Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource, yet it's one that's often taken for granted. In domestic settings, excessive water use not only leads to higher bills but also contributes to the depletion of this vital resource. Domestic helpers are uniquely positioned to contribute to water conservation efforts as integral household team members, ensuring a sustainable and cost-effective home environment.

Preparing Your Home for a Water-Efficient Helper

To foster a culture of sustainability, Best Home Employment Agency emphasizes the importance of briefing domestic helpers on effective water-saving practices. The journey begins with two parts of online briefings conducted while helpers are still in their home countries. These sessions cover essential water-saving tips and strategies, emphasizing the importance of conservation in daily activities. Helpers are introduced to the W-A-T-E-R guide by PUB, a simple yet effective framework for remembering key water-saving practices:

The W-A-T-E-R guide by PUB offers a simple yet effective framework for reducing water consumption across various household activities. Here's how it can be integrated into daily routines:

  • W for Wash: Encourage washing clothes with a full load. This maximizes the efficiency of each wash cycle, reducing the frequency of washes and, consequently, the overall water usage.

  • A for Always: Promote the half-flush option on toilets whenever possible. This small adjustment can lead to significant water savings over time, especially in households with multiple members.

  • T for Turn: Highlight the importance of turning off the shower while soaping. This habit can save a substantial amount of water that would otherwise be wasted.

  • E for Ensure: Stress the need to ensure taps are fully turned off when not in use, such as during teeth brushing. A running tap can waste a surprising amount of water in just a few minutes.

  • R for Rinse: Advocate for rinsing vegetables and fruits in a container rather than under running water. This saves water and allows for the reuse of the rinse water for watering plants.

Best Home incorporates this W-A-T-E-R guide into the briefing for domestic helpers. Households can significantly reduce their water footprint. This guide is a practical tool that helpers can refer to in their daily tasks, ensuring that water conservation becomes a natural and integral part of their routine.

Water-Saving Tips for Domestic Helpers

Upon arrival in Singapore, helpers undergo another two sessions of practical training. These sessions allow them to apply what they've learned in real-life scenarios, ensuring they are fully prepared to implement water-saving measures in their daily tasks. From kitchen activities to general household chores, the practical sessions cover many situations, including:

A. Personal Habits for Water Conservation

  • Half-Flush Efficiency: Educating domestic helpers on the benefits of using the half-flush toilet option can lead to substantial water savings. This simple choice can save litres of water with each use, making a significant difference over time.

  • Turning Off Taps: A fundamental yet impactful habit is turning off the tap while brushing teeth or soaping hands. This practice can save up to 23 litres of water per day, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness in daily water use.

  • Shower Habits: Encouraging turning off the shower while soaping can save up to 27 litres of water per shower. This habit conserves water and instils a broader awareness of water usage in personal care routines.

B. Efficient Food Preparation and Water Usage

  • Recycling Water from Food Prep: Domestic helpers can be taught to save water used for rinsing fruits, vegetables, or rice for watering plants. This not only recycles water but also contributes to a greener household.

  • Washing Dishes Efficiently: Filling a sink for dishwashing instead of letting the tap run can save significant amounts of water. This method ensures that water is used effectively without unnecessary waste.

C. General Household Water-Saving Practices

  • Choosing Water-Efficient Appliances: Investing in and using water-efficient appliances can lead to considerable water savings. Domestic helpers should be familiar with the operation of such appliances, ensuring they are used to their full potential.

  • Fixing Leaks Promptly: A proactive approach to identifying and reporting leaks for immediate repair can prevent water wastage. Even a small drip can lead to losing litres of water over time, making vigilance essential.

D. Outdoor Water Conservation Strategies

  • Car Washing: Using a bucket and sponge instead of a hose for washing cars can drastically reduce water usage. This method focuses on using water more judiciously, avoiding the wastefulness of running hoses.

  • Gardening with Minimal Water: Employing water-saving techniques such as using a watering can instead of a hose, watering plants during cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation, and utilizing mulch to retain soil moisture can significantly reduce water use in gardening.

By integrating these water-saving tips into their daily routines, domestic helpers can play a pivotal role in enhancing a household's sustainability efforts. Best Home Employment Agency's focus on training domestic helpers in these practices underscores their commitment to providing exemplary home care and fostering environmental stewardship.

Implementing Water-Saving Techniques in Daily Chores

For domestic helpers, integrating water-saving habits into daily chores is not just about following a set of rules; it's about adopting a mindset of conservation and efficiency. Practical steps include:

1. Using Buckets Instead of Running Taps

Whether cleaning the house or washing vegetables, buckets can control water use and prevent wastage.

2. Monitoring Water Usage

Domestic helpers can monitor water consumption, ensuring that water-saving practices are consistently applied across all household activities.

3. Identifying and Reporting Leaks

Being vigilant about leaks and reporting them promptly for repair can prevent significant water loss. A dripping faucet or a leaking toilet can waste a surprising amount of water daily.

The Benefits of Water Conservation for Households

The OIP doesn't just prepare domestic helpers for their roles; it empowers them to contribute significantly to the households they join. By integrating water conservation into the core of their training, Best Home ensures that its helpers are skilled in traditional domestic tasks and practising sustainability. 

Adopting water-saving tips can lead to considerable benefits for households, including:

1. Significant Savings on Water Bills

By reducing overall water usage, households can enjoy lower utility bills, translating to substantial savings over time.

2. Environmental Impact

Beyond financial savings, adopting water-efficient practices contributes to conserving this vital resource, helping mitigate the effects of global water scarcity and supporting a healthier environment.


Best Home Employment Agency's forward-thinking approach, embodied in the OIP, sets a new standard for domestic helper training. By prioritizing environmental conservation and practical skills, the agency not only enhances the capabilities of its helpers but also supports households in their quest to reduce water bills and contribute to a sustainable future. This comprehensive training program, led with passion and expertise by the agency's Director, ensures that every helper is a guardian of both the home and the planet.

Training domestic helpers in water-saving techniques is more than a practical measure; it's a step towards a more sustainable and responsible way of living. Best Home Employment Agency's commitment to this cause sets a high standard for domestic care and aligns with broader environmental goals. By choosing domestic helpers knowledgeable in water conservation, households can contribute to significant water savings and environmental protection.

We invite you to join us in our commitment to sustainability and responsible water usage. Contact Best Home Employment Agency today to learn how our water-conscious domestic helpers can make a difference in your home and the world. Together, we can take meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future!

Feb 6

5 min read





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