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Top 10 Secrets To Finding The Perfect Maid Agency: Expert Tips And Advice

May 2, 2023

11 min read





Finding a reliable maid agency is crucial when hiring domestic help for your home. A trusted and efficient domestic helper can ease the burden of household tasks. It gives you time to focus on work, family, and leisure activities. Choosing the right maid agency ensures you get the best match for your needs. It guarantees a smooth and hassle-free experience throughout the hiring process.

Importance Of finding A Reliable Maid Agency

A reliable maid agency, such as Best Home Employment, is critical in providing a suitable domestic helper. A good agency can match you with a qualified and trustworthy maid. It is by conducting thorough background checks and assessing the helpers’ skill levels. A dependable agency offers ongoing support and help. It ensures a positive working relationship between you and your domestic helper.

Top 10 Secrets To Finding The Perfect Maid Agency

Secret #1. Understand Their Screening Process

A thorough screening process is essential to ensure the maids provided by an agency are reliable, experienced, and possess the necessary skills for the job.

A. Background checks and work history

Best Home Employment conducts comprehensive background checks on all potential candidates. We screen through helpers’ profiles very thoroughly and only onboard those who are suited for work in Singapore. Best Home Employment takes pride in providing accurate physical information, criminal records, helpers’ allergies and medical conditions, and previous employment history. Our assessment concludes with a fair and transparent assessment of our helpers, which can be found on our self-help maid search database.

All Best Home Employment maids’ profiles are updated regularly on our website, under the database section with self-introduction videos. This allows potential employers to select helpers from the comfort of their homes and quicken the search process.

Understanding the agency's approach to background checks is crucial, as it helps ensure the security and safety of your home and family.

When evaluating an agency's background check process, consider the following:

  • Thoroughness

  • Verification

  • Consistency

B. Skills assessment and training

In addition to background checks, a reliable maid agency will assess the skills and qualifications of potential candidates to ensure they are well-suited for the job. This assessment may include testing their proficiency in various household tasks, language abilities, and any specialized skills relevant to your needs, such as childcare or elderly care.

When evaluating an agency's skills assessment process, consider the following:

  • Relevance

  • Adaptability

  • Continuous development

At Best Home Employment, we only engage source recruiters who understand our maids’ skill training syllabus, which we have carefully developed over the last 30 years. All Indonesian and Filipino helpers must pass their country’s aptitude assessments before we deem them to be qualified.

On top of our comprehensive training curriculum, Best Home Employment is proud to also provide a complimentary one year online video course to all our helpers, which begins even before matching with employers. Our director personally conducts numerous onboarding and orientation courses, sharing about accepted social working norms in Singapore, issues faced by helpers, safety topics such as how to avoid scams and proper use of mobile devices, for example.

All the basic core skills such as household chores like ironing, steaming clothes, vacuuming and cleaning will be assessed by our training department before maids are handed over to their employers. Best Home Employment also provides our very own cookbook in maids’ native languages so that they are ready to cook a variety of healthy meals that are suited for our local palates.

Secret #3. Verify licenses and accreditations

A reputable maid agency will possess all necessary licenses and accreditations, demonstrating compliance with local government regulations and industry standards. Verifying these credentials ensures the agency operates legally and adheres to ethical business practices.

Best Home Employment is accredited to bring in Filipino and Indonesian maids and makes sure these helpers are properly documented in their countries. Proper documentation at the maids’ source countries ensure the helpers can transit freely back in their home country and Singapore. We ensure maids have proper insurance coverage. We also provide channels and resources for skill upgrading, with qualifications that can be recognised by their respective governments.

The Embassy of the Philippines recognises Best Home Employment, as one of the 243 agencies in Singapore authorised to bring in Filipino helpers, out of thousands of MOM-registered agencies.

A. Local government regulations and permits

Maid agencies are typically required to obtain licenses or permits from local authorities to operate legally. Compliance with these regulations helps protect clients and domestic helpers by ensuring that the agency follows the law and maintains appropriate business practices.

When verifying an agency's licenses and permits, consider the following:

  • Authenticity

  • Scope

  • Compliance

Best Home Employment was licensed to operate as a maid agency since April 1996 (a.k.a Aries Resource), and remains among the top agencies who bring in quality maids into Singapore for the past 20 over years.

B. Industry certifications and memberships

In addition to local government licenses, a trustworthy maid agency may also hold industry certifications or memberships in professional associations. These credentials signify that the agency adheres to recognized industry standards and best practices, providing additional assurance in its services.

When verifying an agency's industry certifications and memberships, consider the following:

  • Relevance

  • Standards

  • Verification

Best Home Employment is a pioneer member to the only maid agency association in Singapore - the Association of Employment agencies Singapore (AEAS). Our employers can be assured that we will work with AEAS as a third-party for any mediation on maids matters if the need arises. Best Home Employment is proud that we are recognised by the Ministry of Manpower to not have committed any offense, nor have we received any demerit points from the government (updated May 2023).

Secret #4. Assess their range of services

Evaluating the range of services a maid agency offers is crucial to ensure they can cater to your specific requirements and preferences. By understanding their service offerings, you can make a more informed decision when choosing the right agency for your needs.

A. Types of maids provided (live-in, part-time, etc.)

Maid agencies typically offer domestic helpers to accommodate different client needs, such as live-in, part-time, or temporary maids. Understanding the different types of maids available can help you pick the one that best suits your household and lifestyle.

When assessing the types of maids provided, consider the following:

  • Suitability

  • Expertise

  • Flexibility

Best Home Employment provides live-in helpers from many sources, namely the Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar. We are one of the few maid agencies in Singapore who provide part-time helpers in case your live-in helpers need to take urgent leave for a few days, or if you prefer part-time help.

Best Home Employment has a wide network to source for transfer helpers for employers who urgently require a replacement helper, through our very own Helpers Exchange Programme. Employers can be assured that you have at least 200 data to choose from at any one time.

B. Customized services based on individual needs

A reputable maid agency will offer customized services for your needs and preferences, ensuring a more personalized and satisfactory experience. These services may include language preferences, dietary requirements, or specialized care for family members with disabilities.

When assessing an agency's customized services, consider the following:

  • Personalization

  • Responsiveness

  • Adaptability

Best Home Employment is approved by MOM for the Advance Placement scheme (APS), in which helpers can be brought in for training even before matching with employers. This allows employers to meet helpers face-to-face at our offices for better understanding, and employers are able to customise skill training for their helpers.

Secret #5. Transparent pricing and fees

Understanding the pricing structure and fees associated with a maid agency is crucial to ensure you can make a good decision based on your budget and avoid any unexpected costs. A reputable agency will be transparent about its fees and provide a clear, upfront breakdown of all costs involved.

A. Upfront cost breakdown

When engaging a maid agency, it is essential to clearly understand all the fees involved, including placement fees, training fees, and any additional charges. A reliable agency will provide a comprehensive cost breakdown upfront, allowing you to make an informed decision and avoid surprises later.

When evaluating an agency's upfront cost breakdown, consider the following:

  • Clarity

  • Comparability

  • Inclusions

Best Home Employment provide itemized billing on each service provided. All our past transactions are digitally filed and employer can access by logging into our website to retrieve and compare our prices over time.

B. Hidden fees to watch out for

Some agencies may have hidden fees or charges that are not immediately apparent. Awareness of these potential costs can help you make a more informed decision and avoid unexpected expenses.

When assessing potential hidden fees, consider the following:

  • Contract terms

  • Replacement costs

  • Ongoing expenses

Best Home Employment understands that employers may be worried of mismatch upon deployment. As such, we provide a guarantee period in which we will not ask for a top-up service fee should replacement be required, for replacement maids of the same nationality. During this guarantee period, other mandatory fees are charged at cost and we refund insurance fees for the first helper as well upon receiving the letter of refund from the insurance company.

Employers who wish to replace their helpers after the guarantee period do not have to pay hefty fees as well, as we offer a huge fee discount under Helpers’ exchange program, a Best Home Employment exclusive, so long as the current helper seeks a change of employment in Singapore instead of going home. This programme not only saves money on the usual costs required for replacement, it also helps employers to save on repatriation expenses.

Secret #6. Effective communication and support

Effective communication and receiving ongoing support from a maid agency are crucial for a successful and harmonious working relationship with your domestic helper. A reputable agency will prioritize open lines of communication and offer after-hire support to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

A. Open lines of communication with the agency

Establishing open communication with the agency from the beginning can help ensure a smooth and efficient hiring process and facilitate a successful working relationship with your domestic helper.

When evaluating an agency's communication, consider the following:

  • Responsiveness

  • Clarity

  • Availability

All Best Home Employment staff have been in this industry for more than ten years and they are very experienced in guiding our clients on maid matters, however tricky they may be. Our liaison team will mend the online communication 24/7 daily even during public holidays. The same liaison team will call employers and maids within a three months post placement period to check the progress on our maid services.

B. After-hire support and conflict resolution

A reputable maid agency will offer ongoing support even after the placement of your domestic helper, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise and helping to resolve conflicts, if necessary.

When assessing an agency's after-hire support, consider the following:

  • Assistance

  • Mediation

  • Replacement

Best Home Employment provides a suite of after-sale services to ensure our employers and their helpers will have a long lasting working relationship.

  • We have a free one year online video course so that our helpers can continually learn and upgrade their skills, and employers can also access the course to monitor helpers’ progress and the training curriculum for our maids.

  • We offer part-time helper services and APS helpers in case of urgent temporary helper or replacement services;

  • Best Home Employment provides a safe and clean dormitory. Our employers can look forward to housing their maids with us while they are away.

  • We have a transport team which employers can call on for urgent and timely pick-up services of the highest standard of hygiene.

  • We understand that medical costs can be hefty. Hence, we provide a Best Home Employment-exclusive benefit - All helpers can enjoy lower GP and dental rates at 38 clinics islandwide. Our employers save money on outpatient medical, dental care and mandatory medical 6-monthly tests, which maid insurance does not cover.

Secret #7. Evaluate their replacement policy

Understanding a maid agency's replacement policy is essential to ensure you have a suitable recourse in the event that the initial placement does not work out or if your needs change over time. A reputable agency will have a fair and hassle-free replacement policy to address such situations.

A. Terms for maid replacement

When evaluating an agency's replacement policy, consider the following factors to ensure it is fair and accommodates your needs:

  • Validity period

  • Conditions

  • Fees

B. Hassle-free replacement process

A reputable maid agency will strive to make the replacement process as smooth and hassle-free as possible, minimizing disruption to your household and ensuring a seamless transition.

When assessing the replacement process, consider the following:

  • Efficiency

  • Support

  • Satisfaction

At Best Home Employment we only use the standard contract prescribed by the trade association AEAS so that our contract can be mediated by the Disciplinary Committee of the association. Replacement and Refund policy is clearly stipulated.

Best Home Employment takes pride in ensuring we have maids from many countries, and we offer part timers and helpers under the Advance Placement scheme. Employers are can be assured of fast and efficient replacement services.

Secret #8. Explore maid insurance options

Maid insurance is essential when hiring a domestic helper, as it provides financial protection for both you and your maid in case of unforeseen events such as accidents, illnesses, or repatriation. A reputable agency will be knowledgeable about insurance options and can help guide you in selecting the appropriate coverage.

A. Importance of insuring your domestic helper

Maid insurance offers various benefits, including:

  • Medical coverage

  • Personal accident coverage

  • Liability coverage

B. Agency's Role in providing insurance coverage

A reputable maid agency can play a vital role in helping you secure the appropriate insurance coverage for your domestic helper, ensuring you fulfill your legal obligations and protect your interests.

When exploring maid insurance options, consider the following:

  • Guidance

  • Collaboration

  • Support

Best Home Employment provides customisable maids insurance policies as we understand some employers will only want to provide minimum coverage to their helpers stated by the Law, while others may want more insurance coverage. Employers can work through Best Home Employment as our staff are also trained and accredited as Trade-specific insurance agents. We have the knowledge and network to work on maid insurance claims on behalf of the employer as well.

Best Home Employment has worked hard to provide more insurance benefits for our helpers and hence, our employers. This includes, to name a few, 90 days of outpatient after-hospital care as compared to the usual 7 days, as well as the inclusion of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine treatment), which is also typically excluded.

Secret #9. Assess their training and development programs

A maid agency's training and development programs are critical in preparing domestic helpers for their tasks and responsibilities, ensuring they possess the necessary skills and adaptability to cater to your family's needs. A reputable agency will invest in comprehensive training programs to enhance the capabilities of their maids.

A. Skill enhancement for maids

When evaluating a maid agency's training and development programs, consider the following aspects:

  • Scope

  • Quality

  • Certification

B. Adaptability to your family's specific needs

A well-trained domestic helper should be able to adapt their skills and knowledge to cater to your family's unique needs and preferences. A reputable agency will ensure its training programs foster such adaptability.

When assessing a maid's adaptability, consider the following:

  • Customization

  • Continuous learning

  • Feedback

Best Home Employment has overseas training centres that carry out our comprehensive training syllabus. We offer one-on-one English conversation courses for helpers and also provide basic Mandarin training for helpers in Myanmar. All helpers are given a free one year online skill course which they can access even post-deployment. Upon completion of programmes, our helpers will receive a certificate of completion. Our director provides numerous onboarding and orientation courses to share about local social and behaviour norms to facilitate integration to the local scene. We also provide a curated cookbook with recipes that are tailored to our local taste buds.

We provide training to helpers based on their job requirements on top of the general training curriculum. We can also work with employers to further customise training if you require, especially if the job has a higher level of complexity e.g. advanced elderly care.

Secret #10. Prioritize long-term relationships with the agency

Establishing a long-term relationship with a reputable maid agency can benefit you and your domestic helper, fostering trust, reliability, and ongoing support throughout the working relationship. Prioritizing a long-term partnership can help ensure a more stable and satisfying experience for all parties involved.

A. Trust and reliability

Building a long-term relationship with a maid agency can enhance the trust and reliability between you, the agency, and your domestic helper, resulting in a more stable and secure working environment.

When prioritizing long-term relationships, consider the following:

  • Reputation

  • Consistency

  • Commitment

B. Ongoing support for a lasting working relationship

A maid agency committed to long-term relationships will provide ongoing support to ensure a lasting and successful working relationship between you and your domestic helper.

When assessing ongoing support, consider the following:

  • Performance monitoring

  • Skill development

  • Open communication

Best Home Employment provides a loyalty programme to both our employers and maids. Employers can look for incentives wherever they recommend a new client to us. Not only do employers enjoy perks of working with us, we also maintain positive relationships with our helpers. For example, we waive off fees when helpers re-seek employment in Singapore, we organise events and outings for our maids, we remain contactable if they need any help, and we have honour rolls where we celebrate helpers for their long service and commitment.


Finding the perfect maid agency can be a challenging task, but by following these top 10 secrets, you can navigate the process with confidence and ultimately select the ideal agency to meet your needs. From thorough research and understanding their screening process to explore insurance options and prioritizing long-term relationships, these expert tips and advice will help ensure a successful and satisfying experience with your domestic helper.

As you venture on your journey to find the perfect maid agency, consider partnering with Best Home Employment, a leading boutique agency offering customized domestic help services for families in Singapore. Trusted and recommended by families across the city, Best Home Employment is dedicated to providing high-quality helpers trained both in their home countries and upon arrival in Singapore.

Don't compromise for anything less than the best regarding your family's needs. Choose Best Home Employment for unparalleled support, expert guidance, and personalized services tailored to your unique requirements. Contact Best Home Employment today and experience the difference a truly exceptional maid agency can make in your home and life.

May 2, 2023

11 min read





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