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Why You Should Hire An Indonesian Maid | Best Home Employment | Singapore

Jul 17

4 min read




A Best Home Indonesian maid taking care of the elderly.

Why an Indonesian Maid is a perfect fit for a family in Singapore

In the bustling city-state of Singapore, families often seek domestic help to manage their households and ensure a smooth daily routine. Among the choices available, Indonesian maids have become a popular option due to their reliability, dedication, and adaptability. This article delves into the reasons why hiring an Indonesian maid could be the perfect solution for your family's needs.

History of Indonesian Maids Working in Singapore

The influx of Indonesian maids to Singapore began in the late 1970s and early 1980s. During this period, Singapore's rapid economic growth led to increased demand for domestic helpers to support working families. Indonesia, with its proximity and a large pool of women seeking employment opportunities abroad, became a primary source of domestic workers for Singaporean households.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the number of Indonesian maids in Singapore steadily increased. The Indonesian government and various recruitment agencies facilitated the migration process, ensuring that a steady stream of workers was available to meet the growing demand. This period saw the establishment of numerous maid agencies in Singapore, specializing in the recruitment and placement of Indonesian maids.

As the number of Indonesian maids grew, so did the need for proper training and regulation. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, both the Singaporean and Indonesian governments implemented measures to ensure that maids were adequately trained and that their rights were protected. Training centers were established to equip maids with essential skills such as cooking, cleaning, and childcare. Regulatory frameworks were put in place to safeguard the welfare of domestic workers and to standardize employment practices.

Best Home provides the best Indonesian maids in Singapore

Advantages of Hiring an Indonesian Maid for Families in Singapore

Cultural Compatibility

Indonesian maids share many cultural similarities with Singaporeans, including language, religion, and values. This cultural compatibility makes it easier for families to communicate and build strong, harmonious relationships with their maids.

Adaptability and Learning Attitude

Indonesian maids are known for their adaptability and eagerness to learn. They are quick to adjust to the demands of Singaporean households and are often proactive in learning new skills, from cooking local dishes to understanding family routines and preferences.

Work Ethic and Dedication

Indonesian maids are recognized for their strong work ethic and dedication to their roles. They approach their responsibilities with a sense of duty and commitment, ensuring that they provide high-quality service and support to their employers.

Language Proficiency

Many Indonesian maids have a good command of the English language, which facilitates effective communication within the household. This proficiency is beneficial in ensuring that instructions are clearly understood and tasks are efficiently executed.

Best Home Indonesian maid holding a bowl

Roles of Maid Agencies

Recruiting Maids

Maid agencies in Singapore play a crucial role in recruiting Indonesian maids, ensuring that they meet the necessary criteria and possess the required skills. Honest maid agencies should conduct thorough background checks and interviews to select suitable candidates for employment.

Note: Best Home Employment Agency's recruitment team travels to Indonesia, in order to personally interview and shortlist top quality candidates.

Training Maids

Training is a vital component of preparing maids for their roles. Trustworthy maid agencies should provide comprehensive training programs that cover various aspects of household management, including cooking, cleaning, childcare, and elderly care. This training ensures that maids are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of Singaporean families.


Finding the right fit between a family and a maid is essential for a successful working relationship. Reputable maid agencies, like Best Home Employment Agency, excel in matchmaking, taking into consideration the specific requirements and preferences of both parties. This careful matching process helps in fostering a positive and productive working environment.

Counselling and Alternative Arrangements

In cases where the initial placement is not a suitable match, responsible maid agencies should offer counselling and alternative arrangements. This support ensures that both the employer and the maid can find a satisfactory solution, whether it involves mediation, retraining, or reallocation.

Best Home Indonesian maids are excellent caregivers.

How Best Home Employment Agency Can Help Employers Find the Right Indonesian Maid

At Best Home Employment Agency, we take pride in our 30-year legacy of providing quality and honest services to families in Singapore. Our extensive experience and commitment to excellence make us a trusted maid agency in Singapore, in finding the perfect Indonesian maid for your household.

Our Comprehensive Services

We offer a range of services designed to meet the unique needs of our clients, including:

- Industry Leading Recruitment: Best Home's recruitment team, including our Director Mr Tay, travels to Indonesia to personally interview and shortlist top quality candidates. During our recruitment phase we verify every detail of each candidate, eg. basic medical check, comprehensive employment record check, assessment of competency and work attitude. Only the best Indonesian maids are chosen for us to recommend to employers back in Singapore.

- In-Depth Training: Best Home provides our Indonesian maids with certified training in English, cooking, housekeeping, caregiving and more even before they arrive in Singapore. Upon arrival, our Indonesian maids continue their training.

- Effective Matchmaking: We our 30 year expertise to match families with maids who are best suited to their needs and preferences. Employers may choose to shortlist some of their favorite candidates through our website's database, before contacting our matchmaking team. This expedites the time taken to shortlist suitable helpers. Alternatively, our friendly live agents are always ready to assist you.

- Ongoing Support: Best Home values excellent customer support. We are continuously efficient in providing advice and counselling to address any issues that may arise during the employment period. Our after-hand over customer support is a highlight of our business.


Hiring an Indonesian maid can bring numerous benefits to your household, from cultural compatibility and adaptability to strong work ethics and language proficiency. With the support of a reputable maid agency like Best Home Employment Agency, you can find the right Indonesian maid who will seamlessly integrate into your family and contribute positively to your home environment. Trust in our experience and dedication to help you make the best choice for your domestic needs.

Indonesian maids taking a photo with Best Home Director Mr Tay
Indonesian maids taking a photo with Best Home Director Mr Tay

Jul 17

4 min read





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