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best home maids are trained and ready to work


With 30 years in the business, we have answered all customers' questions to the best of our knowledge. But if you have a question we have not answered:

  • What transportation services does Best Home offer for migrant domestic workers and domestic helpers?
    We provide a comprehensive transportation solution catering specifically to the needs of migrant domestic workers and domestic helpers. This includes services for home leave, repatriation, airport arrivals, and transport to lodging or quarantine facilities, as well as direct transport to employers' residences.
  • How does Best Home ensure the safety and hygiene of its transportation services for domestic helpers?
    We are committed to the highest hygiene standards, offering these transportation services exclusively for Best Home helpers. We regularly sanitise our vehicles to ensure the safety and well-being of both the domestic helpers and their employers.
  • Can Best Home arrange transportation for my domestic helper directly to my doorstep?
    Yes, we can arrange for your domestic helper to be transported directly to your doorstep, ensuring a convenient and hassle-free experience for both you and your helper.
  • Is the transportation service available for all migrant domestic workers and domestic helpers?
    The transportation service is exclusively available for domestic helpers and migrant domestic workers under Best Home, focusing on providing a tailored and secure transport solution for their specific needs.
  • What qualifications do foreign domestic workers possess?
    Foreign domestic workers typically come from countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Myanmar. They undergo training and assessments to ensure they meet the required standards for household tasks. Many have experience in childcare, eldercare, and general housekeeping. Some may also have specialised skills such as cooking specific cuisines or providing medical care. Agencies like Best Home Employment ensure these workers are thoroughly vetted and matched to employers based on their skills and qualifications.
  • What types of domestic helper services does Best Home Employment offer?
    Best Home Employment provides a range of domestic helper services, including the placement of helpers from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Myanmar, part-time helpers, and advanced placement scheme services.
  • How does Best Home Employment ensure the quality of its helpers?
    We ensure quality by training helpers both in their home countries and upon arrival in Singapore, focusing on comprehensive and accurate information about each helper.
  • What administrative services are provided by Best Home Employment?
    We offer administrative services like work permit renewal and consultation for enquiries related to the employment process.
  • Is there any training provided for the domestic helpers?
    Yes, Best Home Employment provides pre-arrival and post-arrival training in the helpers' home countries and Singapore to ensure they meet the required standards.
  • What transportation services does Best Home Employment offer?
    Best Home Employment has its own fleet of vehicles to provide transportation services as needed.
  • How does Best Home Employment assist with the medical needs of helpers?
    We offer reduced medical fees exclusively for Best Home helpers, ensuring their health and well-being.
  • What are the opening hours for Best Home Employment Agency?
    Hours: Monday – Friday 10am to 7pm Saturday 10am to 6pm Sunday Closed We are happy to assist if you have any further queries. Click the WhatsApp tab below, and we our live agents will connect with you quickly.
  • How can I verify the qualifications of a maid?
    You can verify the qualifications of a maid by requesting to see her training certificates and any relevant documentation. Additionally, you can contact her previous employers to get direct feedback about her work and experience. Our maid agency also conducts thorough background checks and face to face interviews to ensure each candidate meets our standards, before they even arrive in Singapore. Lastly, our consultants can provide you with detailed profiles of each maid, including their qualifications and work history.
  • What criteria should I consider when selecting a maid for infant or elder care?
    When selecting a maid for infant or elder care, consider her experience with infants or elderly, especially any previous roles in infant or elder care, specifically in Singapore. Look at her training certifications and any special skills, such as first aid. Communication skills are crucial, so ensure she speaks a language that you're comfortable with. Check her references and past employer feedback for reliability and trustworthiness. Lastly, consider her personality to ensure a good fit with your family's dynamics.
  • Are there specific nationalities that are better suited for infant care?
    While different nationalities may have varying strengths, it’s essential to focus on individual qualifications and experience. For instance, many Filipina helpers are known for their proficiency in English and extensive training in infant care services. Indonesian helpers often excel in household management and nurturing roles. Myanmar helpers are praised for their hardworking nature and adaptability. Best Home Employment ensures all our helpers, regardless of nationality, are well-trained and suited for infant care in Singapore. The most crucial factor is the individual’s experience and compatibility with your family’s needs.
  • How do I choose between a new maid and an experienced one?
    Choosing between a new maid and an experienced one depends on your family’s specific needs. An experienced maid, especially one with a background in infant care, brings practical knowledge and can adapt quickly. A new maid, while requiring more initial training, can be more adaptable and eager to learn your preferred methods. Consider the level of supervision you can provide initially; new maids may need more guidance. Best Home Employment is a maid agency that offers both options and helps you evaluate which type fits your requirements best. Ultimately, the right choice depends on your comfort level and the maid's willingness to learn.
  • What should I look for during the interview with a potential maid?
    During the interview, assess the maid's communication skills and comfort level with your language. Ask about her previous experience with infant or elder care, including specific tasks she has handled. Evaluate her demeanour and see if she appears patient, caring, and reliable. Discuss your expectations and see how she responds to potential scenarios. Finally, trust your instincts and consider if you feel comfortable and confident in her ability to care for your infant or elderly.
  • What documents do I need to review before hiring a maid?
    Before hiring a maid, review her passport, work permit, and any training certificates. Check her medical records to ensure she is fit for the job. Look at her employment history, including references and feedback from previous employers. Ensure she has completed any mandatory training, such as infant care courses if that’s your primary need. Best Home Employment will assist you in verifying all necessary documentation to ensure compliance and suitability.
  • Can I request a trial period before making a final decision?
    Yes, at Best Home Employment, we understand the importance of finding the right match for your family. We offer trial periods where you can observe the maid's performance and interaction with your family. During this period, you can assess her skills, work ethic, and compatibility with your household. This trial helps ensure that both parties are satisfied before committing to a long-term arrangement. Our consultants will guide you through the trial process and address any concerns you might have.
  • What are the costs involved in hiring a maid?
    The costs involved include agency fees, which cover the selection and processing of the maid. There are also work permit fees, insurance, and medical examination costs. You’ll need to provide a monthly salary, which varies based on the maid’s experience and skills. Additionally, consider accommodation, food, and any other daily expenses. Best Home Employment is a maid agency that emphasises a transparent breakdown of all costs involved to help you budget effectively.
  • How can I ensure that my maid is legally employed?
    To ensure legal employment, you must follow Singapore’s regulations for hiring maids. This includes obtaining a valid work permit for the maid. Ensure all necessary documentation, such as her passport and employment contract, is in order. Regularly update any changes in her employment status to the Ministry of Manpower to stay compliant. As a maid agency, Best Home Employment assists with all the legal processes, including permit applications and renewals.
  • How long does the application process take?
    The application process typically takes 2-4 weeks, depending on the availability of the selected helper and the completion of necessary documentation. Initial consultations and interviews can be scheduled promptly. Work permit processing and medical checks might take additional time. Best Home Employment strives to expedite the process while ensuring all procedures are followed correctly. We keep you informed at each step to manage your expectations and planning.
  • What information do I need to provide during the application process?
    You will need to provide information about your household, including the number of family members and specific needs for infant care. Details about your preferred helper's qualifications and experience are also essential. We require your contact information and any relevant preferences regarding language or cultural compatibility. Additionally, you should outline the specific duties and responsibilities you expect the helper to fulfil. This comprehensive information helps us match you with the most suitable candidates.
  • Are there any medical examinations required for the helper?
    Yes, before commencing employment, helpers must undergo a comprehensive medical examination. This includes tests for infectious diseases, physical fitness assessments, and other health checks as mandated by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower. Regular medical check-ups are also required to ensure the helper remains fit for duty. Best Home Employment arranges these examinations as part of the application process. Keeping up with medical examinations helps maintain a healthy and safe environment for your family and the helper.
  • Can I apply for multiple helpers simultaneously?
    Yes, you can apply for multiple helpers if your household needs it. Each application will be processed individually, ensuring that each helper is matched according to specific duties and responsibilities. Best Home Employment will guide you through the logistics and legal requirements of employing multiple helpers. It’s crucial to ensure you can provide adequate accommodation and meet all employment regulations for each helper. Our consultants can help you manage the process smoothly and efficiently.
  • How do I finalise the employment contract with my helper?
    Finalising the employment contract involves outlining the terms and conditions of employment, including salary, work hours, and specific duties. Both parties must agree on the contract, and it must be signed by the employer and the helper. Best Home Employment provides a standard contract template and assists in tailoring it to your needs. We also ensure the contract complies with Singapore’s regulations. Once signed, the contract is submitted to the Ministry of Manpower for approval.
  • What happens if my chosen helper is not available immediately?
    If your chosen helper is not available immediately, we can provide alternative candidates that match your requirements. Best Home Employment maintains a pool of qualified helpers ready to start work as soon as possible. We can also offer temporary solutions while you wait for your preferred helper. Our consultants will keep you informed about the availability status and expected arrival times. We aim to ensure that your household’s needs are met without significant delays.
  • Can I make changes to my application after it has been submitted?
    Yes, you can make changes to your application even after it has been submitted. Contact our consultants to discuss any modifications to your requirements or preferences. We will adjust the candidate search accordingly to match your updated needs. It’s essential to communicate changes as soon as possible to avoid any delays in the process. Best Home Employment is flexible and responsive to ensure you find the perfect helper for your family.
  • How can I track the status of my application?
    You can track the status of your application by contacting our consultants directly. We provide regular updates on the progress of your application, including the selection and interview stages. Additionally, you can use our online portal to check the status of your application at any time. Best Home Employment ensures transparent communication throughout the process. Our goal is to keep you informed and reassured every step of the way.
  • What are the responsibilities of a domestic helper in infant care?
    A domestic helper in infant care is responsible for feeding, bathing, and changing diapers for your infant. She also ensures a safe and clean environment, prepares baby meals, and monitors the baby’s health and development. The helper engages in interactive play and educational activities to promote cognitive and emotional growth. Additionally, she may assist with light household chores to support the overall family environment. Best Home Employment ensures that all helpers are well-trained in these responsibilities to provide comprehensive care for your child.
  • How do I ensure the well-being of my helper while she is working for my family?
    To ensure your helper's well-being, provide a comfortable living environment with adequate privacy and rest. Ensure she has access to nutritious meals and regular breaks. Maintain open communication to address any concerns or issues promptly. Offer fair compensation and comply with Singapore's labour laws regarding working hours and rest days. Providing emotional support and showing appreciation for her work also contributes significantly to her overall well-being.
  • What should I do if my helper falls sick?
    If your helper falls sick, ensure she receives appropriate medical care promptly. Allow her to rest and recover fully before resuming her duties. You may need to adjust her workload temporarily or seek alternative assistance if necessary. Keep open communication to monitor her condition and provide support. Best Home Employment can assist in finding temporary replacements or additional help during such periods.
  • How can I provide constructive feedback to my helper?
    Provide constructive feedback through regular, open, and respectful communication. Focus on specific behaviours or tasks and offer clear examples of what can be improved. Balance criticism with positive reinforcement to encourage motivation. Schedule periodic reviews to discuss her performance and address any concerns. Creating a supportive environment helps your helper feel valued and more willing to make necessary adjustments.
  • What are the guidelines for providing accommodation for my helper?
    Accommodation should include a private, secure space with adequate ventilation and lighting. Provide essential furniture like a bed, wardrobe, and access to bathroom facilities. Ensure she has privacy and comfort to rest properly. The accommodation must meet Singapore's Ministry of Manpower regulations. Best Home Employment can guide you on the best practices for setting up suitable living arrangements for your helper.
  • What should I do if there is a conflict between my helper and family members?
    Address conflicts promptly through calm and open communication. Listen to both sides and try to understand the root cause of the issue. Mediate the conversation and encourage a respectful dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution. Establish clear household rules and expectations to prevent future conflicts. If necessary, seek advice or mediation services from Best Home Employment to resolve more serious disputes
  • How do I handle the end of the contract or if I need to terminate the contract early?
    If the contract ends or requires early termination, follow the legal procedures outlined by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower. Provide the necessary notice period and settle any outstanding payments or obligations. Conduct an exit interview to discuss the helper's experience and provide feedback. Assist with her repatriation or transfer to another employer if applicable. Best Home Employment can guide you through the termination process to ensure compliance and smooth transition.
  • What is the process for terminating a helper's contract?
    To terminate a helper's contract, you need to provide the required notice period as stated in the employment contract. Ensure all outstanding payments, including salary and any benefits, are settled. Inform the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and arrange for the cancellation of the work permit. Assist the helper with her travel arrangements back to her home country or to her new employer if she is transferring. Best Home Employment can provide guidance to ensure the termination process is handled smoothly and legally.
  • How do I handle the repatriation of my helper?
    Handle repatriation by booking her return flight and ensuring she has all necessary travel documents. Provide transportation to the airport and ensure she has sufficient funds for her journey. It’s important to comply with MOM regulations and inform them of the repatriation details. Best Home Employment can assist with the logistics and ensure all legal requirements are met. Supporting your helper through this process shows respect and appreciation for her service.
  • What should I do if my helper wishes to transfer to another employer?
    If your helper wishes to transfer, both parties need to agree on the transfer terms. Inform MOM about the intended transfer and follow their procedures for work permit cancellation and reapplication. Ensure all outstanding payments are settled before the transfer. The new employer will handle the application for the new work permit. Best Home Employment can facilitate this process and help find a suitable replacement for your household.
  • Are there any penalties for early termination of a helper's contract?
    Penalties for early termination depend on the terms outlined in the employment contract. Generally, employers are required to provide the agreed notice period or pay in lieu of notice. All outstanding salaries and benefits must be paid. Failure to comply with MOM regulations can result in fines or other penalties. Best Home Employment advice on legal obligations and helps manage the termination process to avoid penalties.
  • How do I ensure a smooth transition for my new domestic helper after the previous one leaves?
    Ensure a smooth transition by thoroughly briefing the new helper on her duties and household routines. Provide a handover period where the outgoing helper can train the new one, if possible. Offer written guidelines and conduct an orientation to familiarise her with your home and family. Maintain open communication to address any initial challenges. Best Home Employment can support this transition with training and resources for your new helper.
  • What are my responsibilities if my helper decides to leave before the contract ends?
    If your helper decides to leave early, you are responsible for providing the required notice period or payment in lieu. Arrange her repatriation and ensure all outstanding wages and benefits are paid. Inform MOM and follow the necessary procedures for work permit cancellation. Support her departure by assisting with travel arrangements and any required documentation. Best Home Employment can help manage the process and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  • Can I provide a reference for my domestic helper if she leaves?
    Yes, providing a reference can be very helpful for your helper's future employment opportunities. Highlight her strengths, skills, and any positive contributions she made to your household. Be honest and fair in your assessment to ensure the reference is credible. Providing a reference is a good way to show appreciation for her service. Best Home Employment can also assist in creating a professional reference if needed.
  • How do I address any grievances my helper might have during the exit process?
    Address grievances by listening to your helper’s concerns and discussing them openly. Try to resolve any issues amicably and ensure all legal and contractual obligations are met. Provide a platform for her to voice her concerns and take them seriously. Seeking mediation from a third party, such as Best Home Employment, can also be beneficial. Addressing grievances respectfully ensures a positive end to the working relationship.
  • What are the next steps after my helper's contract ends?
    After the contract ends, you need to settle all final payments and provide a fair evaluation or reference. Inform MOM and cancel the work permit. Assist with her repatriation or transfer if applicable. If you require a new domestic helper, start the selection and application process with Best Home Employment. We ensure a smooth transition and help you find a suitable replacement to continue supporting your household needs.
  • How do I ensure my helper follows my specific parenting style and routines?
    Communicate your parenting style and routines clearly from the start. Provide written guidelines and demonstrate specific tasks if necessary. Have regular check-ins to discuss your baby's progress and any concerns. Encourage your helper to ask questions and provide feedback to ensure mutual understanding. Best Home Employment supports open communication and provides additional training if required to align with your parenting approach.
  • What should I do if I have concerns about my helper's infant care methods?
    Address concerns promptly through respectful and open communication. Discuss specific instances and provide clear examples of what needs to change. Offer additional training or resources if necessary to improve her skills. Best Home Employment can mediate these discussions and provide support to resolve any issues. Continuous dialogue ensures that both you and your domestic helper are on the same page regarding your baby’s care.
  • How can I monitor my helper's performance in infant care?
    Monitor performance through regular observations and feedback sessions. Use checklists or logs to track daily activities and your baby’s progress. Set aside time for periodic reviews to discuss her performance and any areas for improvement. Utilise home monitoring systems if you feel it’s necessary for added reassurance. Best Home Employment can provide tools and tips for effectively assessing your helper’s performance.
  • What qualifications should I look for in a domestic helper specialising in infant care?
    Look for helpers with certifications in infant care or early childhood education. Experience working with infants, especially in Singapore, is highly beneficial. Check for training in first aid and emergency response. Evaluate her communication skills and ability to follow detailed instructions. Best Home Employment ensures that all our domestic helpers meet these qualifications to provide top-notch infant care.
  • Can I request a domestic helper with experience in specific infant care techniques?
    Yes, you can specify your preferences for domestic helpers with experience in particular infant care techniques. Be it needing expertise in managing colic, sleep training, or early developmental activities, Best Home Employment can match you with suitable candidates. Discuss your requirements during the consultation to find the best fit. Our extensive pool of trained helpers ensures that we can meet diverse infant care needs.
  • How does Best Home ensure the safety of my infant while under the care of a domestic helper?
    Best Home implements rigorous training in safety protocols for all domestic helpers. This includes infant CPR, first aid, and safe handling practices. We conduct thorough background checks to ensure the reliability of our helpers. Regular performance reviews and continuous support from our consultants help maintain high safety standards. Open communication with your helper also ensures that any safety concerns are promptly addressed.
  • What support does Best Home provide if I have issues with my helper's infant care?
    Best Home provides continuous support to address any issues with your helper’s performance. Our consultants are available to mediate discussions and offer additional training if needed. We can also arrange for temporary replacements or adjustments to the helper’s duties. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction and the well-being of your infant. We are committed to resolving any concerns efficiently and effectively.
  • How can I ensure a good working relationship with my transfer maid?
    Establishing a good working relationship with your transfer maid involves clear communication, setting expectations, and mutual respect. Begin by discussing your household rules, routines, and specific tasks. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can help address any issues early. Best Home Employment provides support and guidance on managing employer-helper relationships. We also offer mediation services if needed to resolve any conflicts. Building a positive relationship ensures a harmonious and productive household.
  • What should I do if my transfer maid has health issues?
    If your transfer maid has health issues, it is important to address them promptly. Ensure she receives the necessary medical attention and support. Best Home Employment can assist in arranging medical appointments and coordinating with healthcare providers. We also advise on MOM’s requirements for medical leave and health insurance coverage. Taking care of your maid’s health is crucial for her well-being and productivity. Providing support and understanding can help maintain a positive working environment.
  • How can I help my transfer maid adjust to my household?
    Helping your transfer maid adjust involves providing clear instructions, being patient, and offering guidance as she learns your household routines. Introduce her to family members and explain each person’s preferences and needs. Best Home Employment offers orientation programs to assist with this transition. Regular feedback and positive reinforcement can also help her feel more comfortable and confident. A supportive approach can significantly ease the adjustment period.
  • What are my responsibilities towards my transfer maid?
    Your responsibilities towards your transfer maid include providing a safe working environment, fair compensation, and adequate rest. You must also ensure she has proper accommodation, access to medical care, and timely payment of her salary. Compliance with MOM’s regulations regarding work hours, rest days, and employment terms is essential. Best Home Employment provides guidance on fulfilling these responsibilities. Treating your maid with respect and fairness fosters a positive working relationship.
  • How do I handle disputes with my transfer maid?
    Handling disputes with your transfer maid requires open communication and a calm approach. Discuss the issues respectfully and seek to understand her perspective. Best Home Employment offers mediation services to help resolve conflicts. We provide guidance on fair and effective resolution methods. It’s important to address disputes early to prevent escalation. Maintaining a respectful and understanding attitude can help resolve conflicts amicably.
  • Can I change the duties of my transfer maid after hiring?
    Yes, you can change the duties of your transfer maid, but it’s important to discuss these changes with her and ensure she is comfortable with the new tasks. Clear communication and mutual agreement are key. Best Home Employment can provide advice on managing changes in duties. We recommend providing additional training if necessary to help her adapt to the new responsibilities. Ensuring clarity and support can facilitate a smooth transition.
  • How do I ensure my transfer maid feels valued and motivated?
    Ensuring your transfer maid feels valued and motivated involves recognizing her efforts, providing positive feedback, and treating her with respect. Offering opportunities for skill development and respecting her rest days can also boost her morale. Best Home Employment provides guidance on fostering a positive working environment. Showing appreciation and understanding can significantly enhance her motivation and job satisfaction. A motivated maid is more likely to perform her duties effectively.
  • What should I do if my transfer maid wants to terminate her employment?
    If your transfer maid wants to terminate her employment, it’s important to discuss her reasons and see if any issues can be resolved. If termination is inevitable, ensure compliance with MOM’s regulations regarding notice periods and final salary payments. Best Home Employment can assist with the termination process and help you find a replacement maid. We provide guidance on managing the transition smoothly. Handling the situation professionally ensures a respectful and fair resolution.
  • What documents are required to apply for a transfer maid?
    To apply for a transfer maid in Singapore, you need to submit several documents including the maid’s work permit, a completed application form, and proof of your eligibility to employ a foreign domestic worker. Additionally, you will need to provide copies of your identification documents and income proof. Best Home Employment helps streamline this process by guiding you through the necessary paperwork. We ensure all required documents are in order for a smooth application.
  • How do I submit an application for a transfer maid?
    You can submit your application through a licensed maid agency like Best Home Employment. Our agency assists with the submission process to ensure all details are accurately filled out and submitted promptly. We handle the logistics and follow up with MOM to track the application status. This service reduces your administrative burden and helps avoid delays.
  • What is the processing time for a transfer maid application?
    The processing time for a transfer maid application typically ranges from one to three weeks. Best Home Employment works diligently to expedite the process by ensuring all documents are correctly submitted. We keep you informed of the application status and any updates. Our goal is to minimise waiting times and get your maid started as soon as possible.
  • Are there any fees associated with the application process?
    Yes, there are fees associated with the application process, including administrative fees, work permit fees, and agency fees. Best Home Employment provides a transparent fee structure so you know what to expect. We offer competitive rates and value-added services to ensure you get the best support. Detailed information about all fees will be provided upfront. This transparency helps you plan your budget accordingly.
  • Can I apply for a transfer maid if I already have a maid employed?
    Yes, you can apply for a transfer maid even if you currently have a maid employed, but there are certain conditions and regulations you must follow. You may need to ensure that your current maid’s employment terms are fulfilled or arrange for a suitable transition. Best Home Employment provides guidance on managing this process smoothly. We help you understand MOM’s regulations and ensure compliance. This ensures a seamless transition and avoids any legal complications.
  • How do I check the status of my transfer maid application?
    You can check the status of your transfer maid application through our online portal using your application reference number. Best Home Employment also provides regular updates and follows up with MOM on your behalf. We keep you informed of any progress or additional requirements needed. This proactive approach ensures you are always aware of your application status. Our team is dedicated to providing timely updates and clear communication.
  • Are there any medical examinations required for the transfer maid?
    Yes, transfer maids are required to undergo medical examinations to ensure they are fit for employment. This includes a general health check-up and tests for infectious diseases. Best Home Employment arranges these medical examinations and ensures that all health requirements are met. We coordinate with medical facilities and handle the logistics. Ensuring the health and well-being of the maid is crucial for a successful employment relationship.
  • What are the eligibility criteria for employing a transfer maid in Singapore?
    To employ a transfer maid in Singapore, you must meet certain eligibility criteria set by MOM, such as being a Singaporean, Permanent Resident, or an expatriate with valid employment passes. Additionally, you need to demonstrate the financial capability to support a foreign domestic worker. Best Home Employment helps you understand these criteria and ensures you meet all requirements before submitting your application. We provide guidance on documentation and eligibility checks. This ensures a smooth and compliant hiring process.
  • Can I interview multiple candidates before making a decision?
    Yes, you can interview multiple candidates to ensure you find the best fit for your household. We arrange convenient interview times and provide guidance on what questions to ask during the interview. This allows you to compare different maids and choose the one who best meets your needs. Our team is available to help facilitate these interviews and provide insights based on our experience. This thorough process helps in making a confident and informed decision.
  • How long does the selection process take?
    The selection process duration can vary depending on your specific requirements and the availability of candidates. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Best Home Employment works efficiently to provide you with suitable candidates quickly. We ensure that all necessary checks and preparations are done promptly to minimise any delays. Our goal is to make the process as smooth and quick as possible while ensuring quality.
  • What if I am not satisfied with the selected maid?
    If you are not satisfied with the selected maid, we offer a replacement guarantee within a specified period. This ensures you can find another candidate who better fits your needs. Best Home Employment is committed to your satisfaction and will assist you in finding a suitable replacement. We value your feedback and work diligently to address any concerns. Our team will support you throughout the entire process to ensure your household needs are met.
  • Are there specific regulations I need to follow when selecting a transfer maid?
    Yes, there are regulations set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) in Singapore that you need to follow when selecting a transfer maid. These include ensuring the maid has a valid work permit and understanding the terms of their employment. Best Home Employment ensures all our candidates meet these legal requirements. We provide guidance and support to help you navigate these regulations seamlessly. Compliance with MOM regulations is crucial to ensure a smooth hiring process.
  • What factors should I consider when matching a transfer maid to my household?
    Consider factors such as the maid’s experience, skills, personality, and your household’s specific needs. Think about the age and needs of your children or elderly family members, and the general household chores required. At Best Home Employment, we assist you in assessing these factors to make an informed match. We provide comprehensive profiles and background information on each candidate. This approach helps ensure a harmonious and effective working relationship.
  • How can I ensure the maid’s previous work experience is credible?
    To ensure the maid’s previous work experience is credible, you can request references and feedback from her previous employers. At Best Home Employment, we thoroughly vet all our candidates and verify their work history. We also provide you with detailed profiles and feedback from previous employers. This transparency helps you make an informed decision. Our rigorous screening process ensures that you hire a reliable and experienced maid.
  • Can I specify my preferences for a transfer maid?
    Yes, you can specify your preferences, including experience, skills, language proficiency, and any other specific requirements. Best Home Employment takes your preferences seriously and works to find candidates who meet your criteria. We aim to match you with a maid who aligns with your household’s unique needs. Our personalised approach ensures a better fit and a more satisfactory employment relationship. We are dedicated to meeting your specific requirements.
  • What kind of support does Best Home Employment provide during the selection process?
    Best Home Employment provides comprehensive support during the selection process, including candidate profiles, arranging interviews, and offering expert advice. We guide you through each step, ensuring you have all the information needed to make an informed decision. Our team is available to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. We also assist with legal and regulatory compliance to ensure a smooth hiring process. Our goal is to make the selection process as easy and efficient as possible for you.
  • What is Maid Levy and how much is it?
    The maid levy (or foreign worker levy) is a pricing mechanism to regulate the number of foreign workers in Singapore. Employer of FDW must pay a monthly levy of As an employer, you don't have to pay Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions for your FDW. However, you must a pay monthly levy of $265 (normal) or $60 (concessionary). If your FDW is a first-time FDW, the levy will begin on the 5th day of her arrival (including the arrival date). Otherwise, the levy will begin the next day after she arrives. The levy ends when the Work Permit is cancelled or expires. We are happy to assist if you have any further queries. Click the WhatsApp tab below, and we our live agents will connect with you quickly.
  • Can I get any concession for the Maid Levy?
    As an employer of an FDW, you may be eligible for the concessionary levy rate of $60 per month if you are under any of these schemes: Young child or grandchild scheme (below 16 years old, Singaporean, Living in same address as employer) Aged person scheme (Aged 65 years or above, Singaporean, Living in same address as employer) Persons with disabilities scheme (need to apply to the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) for a levy concession under the PWD scheme. Visit MOM Website for more details.
  • What is Security Bond and how much is it?
    A security bond is a binding pledge to pay the government (up to $5000) if you break the law or the conditions governing the employment of a helper. You are required to post a security deposit (bond) of $5,000 for every maid with the Work Permit Department, MOM. If you fail to repatriate the maid after cancellation of her work permit, you risk losing the $5,000 security deposit (bond). Bonds usually take the form of an insurance. The insurers guarantee to pay the government should you break the rules; then the insurers pursue you for the money. You cannot ask your helper to pay for the bond.
  • Is it necessary to buy insurance for the helper?
    Currently, employers are required by MOM to buy medical insurance for their FDW, with a minimum cover of $15,000 for inpatient care and day surgery.
  • What should I do if the helper went missing?
    You should cancel her work permit immediately to stop the levy payment. You are then given 1 month to locate and repatriate her. Otherwise, you risk losing the $5,000 security deposit.
  • What should I do if the helper is pregnant?
    You must repatriate her immediately.
  • What should I do if I am dissatisfied with helper performance?
    Our besthome staff will assist to provide consultation to the maid to ensure she understands the performance requirement. If the consultation is unsuccessful, our BESTHOME staff will assist to transfer the helper out.
  • The helper wish to send money to her home country?
    You will need the engage the service of a Remittance Service Provider that can assist in sending monthly salary back home regularly. You may approach our BESTHOME staff for advice or recommendation of a Remittance Service Provider.
  • Does the helper need to go for medical checks?
    Yes, Within 14 days from the date of to Singapore, she must get herself examined by a certified medical institution and only if she passes her medical test as deemed to fit for working then she can work for the employer. Such medical examination is required every six-month for the medical screening, for VDRL, pregnancy, and HIV.
  • What is the process for terminating a transfer maid’s employment?
    Terminating a transfer maid’s employment involves providing the required notice period, settling any outstanding salary, and arranging for her repatriation. You must also inform the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and cancel her work permit. Best Home Employment provides guidance on the entire process to ensure compliance with regulations. We assist with the necessary paperwork and logistics. Our goal is to make the termination process as smooth and respectful as possible.
  • How much notice must I give my transfer maid before termination?
    The notice period for terminating a transfer maid’s employment is typically specified in the employment contract, usually one month. If no notice period is stated, a minimum of one month’s notice is required by MOM regulations. Best Home Employment ensures that all contracts meet legal requirements and advises on proper notice procedures. Providing adequate notice allows for a smoother transition. We also assist with finding a replacement if needed.
  • What are my financial obligations upon terminating a transfer maid?
    Upon terminating a transfer maid, you must settle any outstanding salary, including payment for unused leave, and provide airfare for her return home. You may also need to cover additional expenses such as termination fees or relocation costs. Best Home Employment provides detailed guidance on these financial obligations to ensure full compliance. We help calculate the final settlement accurately. Clear understanding of your obligations helps avoid any disputes.
  • How do I cancel my transfer maid’s work permit?
    To cancel your transfer maid’s work permit, you need to log in to the Ministry of Manpower’s (MOM) online portal and submit the cancellation request. You must also arrange for her departure from Singapore within the stipulated timeframe. Best Home Employment assists with this process, ensuring all steps are completed accurately and promptly. We handle the logistics and follow-up with MOM. Ensuring proper cancellation is crucial for legal compliance.
  • What should I do if my maid wants to leave before the contract ends?
    If your maid wants to leave before the contract ends, discuss her reasons and try to resolve any issues. If she still wishes to leave, follow the proper termination process, including providing the required notice period and settling any outstanding dues. Best Home Employment offers support and mediation to address such situations. We help you manage the process smoothly and find a suitable replacement if needed. Understanding and addressing her concerns can help prevent early termination.
  • Are there any penalties for early termination of a transfer maid’s contract?
    Penalties for early termination depend on the terms outlined in the employment contract. Typically, either party may need to provide compensation in lieu of notice if the required notice period is not given. Best Home Employment advises on the specific terms of your contract and ensures you comply with MOM regulations. We help you understand and manage any potential penalties. Proper adherence to contract terms is essential for a fair resolution.
  • How do I handle the repatriation of my transfer maid?
    Repatriating your transfer maid involves arranging her flight home, ensuring she has all necessary travel documents, and settling any outstanding salary or dues. Best Home Employment assists with the entire repatriation process, coordinating logistics and handling paperwork. We ensure compliance with MOM’s regulations regarding repatriation. Providing support and ensuring a smooth repatriation process is important for maintaining a positive relationship. Our comprehensive service ensures a respectful and efficient departure.
  • Can I rehire a transfer maid who has previously worked for me?
    Yes, you can rehire a transfer maid who has previously worked for you, provided she is still eligible to work in Singapore and both parties agree to the re-employment terms. You will need to follow the standard application and work permit procedures. Best Home Employment facilitates this process, ensuring all necessary steps are completed. We provide guidance on re-employment terms and compliance. Re-hiring a familiar maid can be beneficial for continuity and efficiency.
  • What documents are needed for the maid transfer process?
    The documents needed for the maid transfer process include the maid’s current work permit, transfer application forms, and any agreements between the current and new employers. Additional documents such as medical examination reports may also be required. Best Home Employment assists with gathering and submitting all necessary documents. We ensure that everything is in order to facilitate a smooth transfer. Our comprehensive service minimises administrative burdens for both employers.
  • How long does the maid transfer process take?
    The maid transfer process typically takes one to two weeks, depending on the efficiency of document submission and approval from MOM. Best Home Employment works diligently to expedite the process by ensuring all paperwork is completed accurately and promptly. We provide regular updates on the transfer status. Our proactive approach helps minimise waiting times. Ensuring a quick and efficient transfer is our priority.
  • What are the costs involved in the maid transfer process?
    The costs involved in the maid transfer process include administrative fees, transfer application fees, and any compensation agreed upon between the current and new employers. Best Home Employment provides a transparent fee structure so you are aware of all costs upfront. We offer competitive rates and comprehensive support throughout the transfer process. Understanding the costs helps you plan your budget effectively. Our goal is to provide value-added services at reasonable prices.
  • Can I interview the transfer maid before completing the transfer?
    Yes, you can and should interview the transfer maid before completing the transfer to ensure she is a good fit for your household. Best Home Employment arranges these interviews and provides guidance on what questions to ask. This allows you to assess her suitability and make an informed decision. We facilitate convenient interview times and offer support throughout the process. Ensuring compatibility is crucial for a successful transfer.
  • What happens if the transfer maid does not meet my expectations after the transfer?
    If the transfer maid does not meet your expectations after the transfer, Best Home Employment offers a replacement guarantee within a specified period. We will work with you to find a more suitable candidate. Our commitment to your satisfaction ensures that you have the support needed to address any issues. We provide continuous assistance and mediation if required. Ensuring your satisfaction is our top priority.
  • Are there any regulations I need to follow during the maid transfer process?
    Yes, there are regulations set by MOM that must be followed during the maid transfer process. These include ensuring the maid’s work permit is valid and adhering to transfer application procedures. Best Home Employment ensures full compliance with all MOM regulations. We provide guidance and support to navigate these requirements seamlessly. Adhering to regulations is crucial for a smooth and legal transfer.
  • What is the role of Best Home Employment in the maid transfer process?
    Best Home Employment plays a critical role in the maid transfer process by handling all paperwork, coordinating between current and new employers, and ensuring compliance with MOM regulations. We provide expert guidance and support throughout the process. Our team facilitates interviews, manages documentation, and keeps you informed of the transfer status. Our comprehensive service ensures a hassle-free transfer experience.
  • How can I ensure a smooth transition for the transfer maid into my household?
    To ensure a smooth transition, provide clear instructions, introduce her to household members, and explain her duties and routines. Best Home Employment offers orientation and training support to help the transfer maid adjust to your specific needs. Regular feedback and open communication can also ease the transition. Our team is available to provide ongoing support and address any concerns. A supportive and structured approach ensures a successful integration into your household.
  • Should I hire a maid or a babysitter to care for my baby?
    When it comes to deciding between hiring a babysitter or a maid to care for your baby, there are a few factors to consider. Trust is one of the most important factors, and we recommend finding a babysitter through a trusted recommendation. However, if this is not possible, you may consider hiring a maid who is trained in infant care. It's essential to have someone trustworthy, such as your mother, confinement lady, or yourself, to supervise the maid until trust has been firmly established. Keep in mind that a maid will have to balance housework, cooking, and caring for your baby, so patience and understanding are crucial during the initial stages. If you require assistance urgently, we offer transfer maids who have experience in infant care and can help care for your baby. Due to the current pandemic situation, hiring a transfer maid may be the fastest option. We offer virtual consultations to provide more information about how we can help you lighten the load at home. Feel free to reach out to us for more details.
  • If I already have one maid, can I hire one more to take care of my baby?
    If you already have a maid and wish to hire one more to take care of your baby, there are certain requirements that need to be met. According to regulations in Singapore, households with two or more children under the age of 18, or one child under 18 and an elderly person over 65, are eligible to hire an additional helper. Additionally, you should ensure that there is enough space and privacy in your home for both foreign domestic helpers. To find out if you meet the eligibility criteria and to learn more about hiring an additional helper, you can reach out to our maid agency. Our friendly consultants can provide you with all the necessary information and guide you through the process.
  • Can I bring my helper to my parents'/in-laws' house to care for the kids there?
    It is important to follow the guidelines set by the Ministry of Manpower regarding the employment of domestic helpers. Suppose you wish your helper to follow your children to your parents’ or in-laws’ house. In that case, you will need to make a formal declaration to the Ministry of Manpower stating that your helper will be performing her care duties for your children at the specified location. However, it is important to note that your helper should not be doing any housework or cooking at the other household unless it is for your children. It is also important to avoid situations where your helper is instructed to perform menial chores at another household where your children are not present, as this may be viewed seriously by the Ministry of Manpower. It is best to follow the guidelines to ensure compliance with the regulations.
  • How much is the levy for my domestic helper?
    The monthly levy for a migrant domestic worker (MDW) in Singapore is $300, which is equivalent to $9.87 per day. If you have more than one MDW, the levy is $450 per month or $14.80 per day for each additional worker. It is the responsibility of the employer to pay the MDW's levy at the end of each month, and this can only be done through GIRO payments. Failure to maintain a valid GIRO account may result in the cancellation of the maid's work permit. For a new maid, the levy will start on the fifth day of her arrival, excluding the day of arrival. Otherwise, the levy begins the next day after her arrival. Employers have until the 17th day of the following month before the deduction is made. If the 17th day falls on a non-working day, the deduction will be made on the next working day.
  • Is it possible to receive any levy concessions for hiring a maid?
    Yes, employers who engage a maid to take care of an elderly person aged at least 67, a person with disabilities, or a child under the age of 16, are eligible for a subsidized levy of $60 per month (daily: $1.98). However, please note that the levy concessions have a cap of 2 helpers per household, and each levy for each helper is based on 1 eligible person in the household. Additionally, you can also waive your maid's (FDW) levy if she is on overseas leave for at least 7 consecutive days, capped at 60 calendar days per calendar year, on hospitalization leave issued by Singapore hospitals, capped at 60 calendar days per calendar year, does not return to Singapore after overseas leave, is under police custody or is housed at the embassy, or has passed away.
  • Can I claim tax relief for maid levy?
    To claim tax relief for maid levy in Singapore, you must meet certain criteria. Firstly, you must be a married woman who has been elected for separate assessment, or you must be married but your husband is not a resident of Singapore. Alternatively, you can be separated, divorced, or widowed and living with your unmarried child, for whom you can claim child relief. If you meet any of these criteria, you can claim tax relief for the maid levy you paid during the year of assessment. The tax relief amount is subject to an annual cap of $1,800 per household.
  • Who is responsible for the medical expenses of my maid?
    The employer will be responsible for all expenses of his/her migrant domestic worker (MDW). Employers are required to bear the full cost of the medical care, including hospitalization, and are not allowed to pass this cost on to their maids. As medical occurrences and fees can be rather unpredictable, we would strongly advise employers to purchase comprehensive coverage for their maids to ensure these costs are covered. Always consider upgrading your insurance plan to get better medical coverage.
  • What is a security bond for?
    To ensure that employers are responsible for their migrant domestic workers' upkeep and prompt salary payment, a security bond of $5,000 is required. The security bond may be forfeited if the employer violates the work permit conditions. However, if the domestic worker breaches these conditions through their own behavior, the employer will not be held liable. If the maid absconds and the employer is unable to repatriate her, half of the security bond will be forfeited, provided that the employer has made reasonable efforts to locate her. The forfeited sum will be used to cover the cost of repatriating the maid.
  • Is it necessary for me to purchase medical insurance for my helper?
    Yes, it is mandatory for employers in Singapore to purchase medical and personal accident insurance for their helpers. This insurance policy must be purchased and in effect before the helper arrives in Singapore, as part of the employer's medical obligations to the helper. If the helper is a transfer helper, the policy must also be purchased and in effect before she is deployed to work at the employer's house. It is important to note that the employer cannot pass on the cost of purchasing the insurance to the helper.
  • What Are the Costs Involved in Hiring a Myanmar Maid In Singapore?
    In addition to a monthly salary ranging from $450 to $750, there are several other factors to consider when hiring a Myanmar maid in Singapore. These may include monthly levy payments made to the Ministry of Manpower, compensation for off-days, and living expenses, among others.
  • How Do I Hire A Myanmar Maid In Singapore?
    If you are looking to hire a Myanmar maid in Singapore, there are several steps that you need to follow. This includes shortlisting and interviewing potential candidates, applying for a work permit, and other processes for your selected helper. However, to save time and effort, you can engage the expertise of a reliable and reputable Myanmar maid agency in Singapore, such as Best Home Maid Agency. This will help you prevent future mishaps and make the hiring process smoother. Best Home Maid Agency also offers helpers from Indonesia, the Philippines, and transfer maids.
  • How Long Does It Take For My Myanmar Maid To Arrive In Singapore?
    Hiring a new Myanmar maid in Singapore may require several weeks for them to arrive. It is crucial to check with your maid agency for a timeline of your prospective maid's arrival. Additionally, you should inquire about legal requirements such as the work permit and employment documentation, as they also take time. By engaging the services of Best Home Maid Agency, you can enjoy a seamless and efficient hiring process. Our consultants will guide you through every step of the process, handle your maid's employment paperwork, and provide the necessary training to meet your unique household requirements.
  • What is the 6 Monthly Medical Examination (6ME) for domestic helpers?
    The 6ME is a mandatory health check-up required for all domestic helpers in Singapore every six months. It ensures the well-being of the helpers and is a legal requirement.
  • What does the 6ME include?
    The 6ME typically includes a general health check-up for helpers in Singapore, including tests for infectious diseases and other health conditions as mandated by Singapore's Ministry of Manpower.
  • Who bears the cost of the 6ME?
    The cost of the 6ME is usually borne by the employer. As a leading maid agency in Singapore, we offer exclusive corporate rates for our helpers, making these examinations more affordable.
  • Where is the 6ME conducted?
    The 6ME is conducted at our partner clinics, where our helpers enjoy reduced rates for both general practitioner consultations and the full medical examination
  • What happens if a health issue is detected during the 6ME?
    If a health issue is detected in a domestic helper, we will advise on the next steps, which may include further medical evaluation, treatment, or other necessary actions in consultation with the employer.
  • Is the 6ME different for new and existing helpers?
    The 6ME is a standard procedure for all domestic helpers in Singapore, regardless of whether they are new or have been working for a while.
  • How does Best Home Employment assist in the 6ME process?
    As part of our maid agency services, we coordinate the scheduling of the 6ME, provide information on the process, and ensure that our domestic helpers benefit from reduced rates at our partner clinics.
  • Best Home offers what type of accommodations for migrant domestic workers?
    Best Home provides migrant domestic workers with personal beds and comfortable linens in a secure environment. The lodging also includes three daily meals and essential amenities like Wi-Fi and laundry facilities, ensuring a comfortable stay.
  • How does Best Home support the emotional well-being of domestic helpers?
    To support the emotional health of domestic helpers, Best Home has established a counselling room and collaborates with HAGAR Singapore. This partnership ensures that migrant domestic workers receive the necessary emotional support and counselling services during their stay.
  • What facilities are available for domestic helpers who fall ill?
    For migrant domestic workers who are unwell, Best Home has set up isolation rooms to provide a safe space for recovery. This ensures that sick domestic helpers receive the care they need while minimising the risk of spreading illness.
  • Can Best Home accommodate domestic helpers undergoing various transitions?
    Yes, Best Home is equipped to house migrant domestic workers who are newly arrived, in the process of changing employers, or awaiting repatriation. This flexibility provides a stable environment for domestic helpers during transitional periods.
  • What measures does Best Home take to ensure cleanliness and satisfaction among residents?
    Best Home is committed to maintaining high hygiene standards and consistently receives positive feedback from domestic helpers regarding the dormitory's cleanliness and the overall support provided. This dedication to quality ensures a satisfactory living experience for all residents.
  • What training do domestic workers undergo under the Advance Placement Scheme (APS)?
    Migrant domestic workers selected through the Advance Placement Scheme undergo extensive training to prepare them for their duties. This includes training in household management, caregiving for children and the elderly, and specific tasks as per employer requirements. The training ensures they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge. They also receive cultural orientation to better adapt to living and working in Singapore. This comprehensive training guarantees that MDWs are fully prepared and capable of meeting their employers' needs.
  • How quickly can I hire a domestic worker through the Advance Placement Scheme (APS) ?
    The Advance Placement Scheme significantly reduces the time required to hire a foreign domestic worker. Since candidates are pre-approved and already in Singapore, the recruitment process is expedited. Employers can quickly arrange face-to-face interviews and select a suitable MDW. Once a match is found, the deployment process is swift, often taking just a few days. This efficiency makes APS an attractive option for those needing urgent assistance.
  • What are the costs involved in hiring through the Advance Placement Scheme (APS)?
    Hiring through the Advance Placement Scheme involves several costs, including agency fees, the salary of the domestic worker, and the MOM levy. The agency fee typically covers the recruitment process, training, and administrative expenses. Employers may also need to pay for medical examinations and insurance for the MDW. However, the reduced time and effort in hiring make these costs worthwhile. It's best to consult with Best Home Employment for a detailed breakdown of the fees involved.
  • Can I interview domestic workers before hiring them through the Advance Placement Scheme (APS)?
    Yes, one of the key benefits of the Advance Placement Scheme is the ability to conduct face-to-face interviews with migrant domestic workers. Employers can review detailed profiles and select candidates to interview in person. This ensures a better match between the employer and the domestic worker. Face-to-face interviews allow for more personalised assessments and immediate feedback. This interaction helps in making informed hiring decisions.
  • How does Best Home Employment ensure the quality of domestic workers?
    At Best Home Employment, we ensure the quality of migrant domestic workers by conducting rigorous checks and comprehensive training. All candidates undergo thorough background checks, medical examinations, and work experience verification. Our training programs cover various aspects of caregiving and household management to ensure they meet the highest standards. We also provide cultural orientation to help them adapt to their new environment. This thorough vetting and training process ensures that our MDWs are reliable and competent.
  • What happens if I face issues with the domestic worker hired through the Advance Placement Scheme (APS)?
    Best Home Employment offers ongoing support to address any issues that may arise with the migrant domestic workers hired through the Advance Placement Scheme. If you encounter any problems, our team is available to assist with conflict resolution and provide necessary interventions. We can facilitate communication between you and the domestic worker to resolve misunderstandings. In cases where the issue cannot be resolved, we offer replacement services. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and satisfactory experience for both employers and MDWs.
  • Can I change my domestic worker if I am not satisfied?
    Yes, if you are not satisfied with the foreign domestic worker hired through the Advance Placement Scheme, Best Home Employment offers replacement services. We will help you find a more suitable candidate from our pool of pre-approved MDWs. Our team will facilitate the transition to ensure minimal disruption to your household. This service ensures that you have a reliable and compatible domestic worker to meet your needs. Our goal is to ensure your
  • Are there any specific requirements for the domestic workers under the Advance Placement Scheme (APS)?
    Migrant domestic workers under the Advance Placement Scheme must meet specific requirements set by the Ministry of Manpower. They must undergo rigorous background checks, medical examinations, and verification of their work experience. Additionally, they receive comprehensive training to prepare them for their duties. This includes caregiving, household management, and cultural orientation. These requirements ensure that MDWs are well-prepared and capable of meeting the demands of their employers.
  • Can I hire a part time helper in Singapore?
    Yes, you can hire a part time helper in Singapore through schemes such as the Household Service Scheme (HSS). Part time helpers provide flexible assistance without the need for a full-time live-in arrangement. They can assist with specific tasks like cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Hiring a part time helper is a great solution for families that need occasional help rather than full-time support. Best Home Employment offers a variety of part-time helper options to fit your needs.
  • What are the costs associated with hiring a domestic helper?
    The costs of hiring a domestic helper include the helper’s salary, government levy, insurance, and food allowance. There may also be one-time fees such as agency fees, medical examinations, and work permit application charges. It's important to budget for these expenses to ensure you can provide a stable and fair working environment for your helper. Best Home Employment can provide a detailed breakdown of these costs to help you plan accordingly. Understanding these costs upfront helps in making an informed decision.
  • How long does it take to hire a domestic helper through Best Home Employment?
    The process of hiring a domestic helper through Best Home Employment typically takes a few weeks. This includes the time needed for selecting a suitable candidate, completing the necessary paperwork, and waiting for work permit approval. If you opt for a transfer helper, the process might be quicker since they are already in Singapore. Best Home Employment strives to make the process as efficient as possible, providing support at each step. Timely communication and accurate documentation help expedite the hiring process.
  • What is the Advanced Placement Scheme (APS)?
    The Advanced Placement Scheme (APS) is a program that allows employers to interview and select helpers before they arrive in Singapore. This scheme facilitates a smoother hiring process by providing early access to potential domestic helpers. Best Home Employment is one of the few agencies approved to offer this service. APS helps in reducing the waiting time and ensures that employers can make informed decisions based on face-to-face interactions. It is a beneficial option for those looking to hire quickly and efficiently.
  • How does the Household Service Scheme (HSS) benefit employers?
    The Household Service Scheme (HSS) benefits employers by offering part time domestic help for specific household tasks. This scheme allows families to hire a part time helper legally and affordably. It provides flexibility in managing household chores without the commitment of a full time helper. Best Home Employment offers a range of services under HSS, ensuring that you find the right part time domestic helper in Singapore. HSS is ideal for households that need occasional help with cleaning, laundry, and other chores.
  • What should I consider when choosing a domestic helper?
    When choosing a domestic helper, consider their experience, skills, and compatibility with your household needs. Look at their biodata to understand their background and previous work experience. It's also important to assess their personality and how well they might fit into your family environment. Best Home Employment provides detailed profiles and recommendations to help you make an informed choice. Taking the time to find the right match ensures a harmonious and productive relationship.
  • Can I hire medically-trained caregivers through Best Home Employment?
    Yes, Best Home Employment offers medically-trained caregivers who are qualified to provide professional medical care. These caregivers are trained to handle specific medical conditions and provide necessary support to elderly or disabled family members. Hiring a medically-trained caregiver ensures that your loved ones receive the best care possible. Best Home Employment ensures that these caregivers are thoroughly vetted and matched to your specific medical care needs. This service provides peace of mind for families requiring specialised care.
  • What is the process for transferring a domestic helper?
    Transferring a domestic helper involves several steps, including obtaining consent from the current employer, the helper, and the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). The new employer must apply for a new work permit and ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed. Best Home Employment can facilitate this process, making it smooth and hassle-free. The transfer process is often quicker than hiring a new helper from abroad, as the helper is already in Singapore. It is a viable option for those needing immediate assistance.
  • How does Best Home Employment ensure the quality of their domestic helpers?
    At Best Home Employment, we ensure the quality of our domestic helpers through rigorous screening and training processes. Helpers undergo thorough background checks, skills assessments, and training programs to meet the agency's high standards. Continuous training and development programs are also provided to keep the helpers updated with best practices. This comprehensive approach ensures that employers receive highly skilled and reliable domestic workers. Quality assurance is a top priority to maintain trust and satisfaction among clients.
  • Are there any legal requirements for hiring a domestic helper in Singapore?
    Yes, there are several legal requirements for hiring a domestic helper in Singapore, including obtaining a work permit from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). Employers must also provide adequate insurance coverage, medical examinations, and fair working conditions. Best Home Employment helps navigate these legal requirements, ensuring compliance with all regulations. Understanding and adhering to these requirements is crucial for a smooth and lawful hiring process. Proper legal guidance ensures the protection of both the employer and the helper.
  • Can I interview the domestic helper before making a decision?
    Yes, you can interview potential domestic helpers before making a hiring decision. This can be done through face-to-face meetings or video calls, especially if the helper is still overseas. Best Home Employment facilitates this interview process, allowing you to assess the candidate's suitability. Conducting an interview helps in understanding the helper’s personality, skills, and how they might fit into your household. It is an important step to ensure mutual understanding and expectations.
  • What support does Best Home Employment provide after hiring a domestic helper?
    After hiring a domestic helper through Best Home Employment, you receive continuous support to ensure a smooth working relationship. This includes assistance with paperwork, mediation services in case of disputes, and ongoing training for the helper. Best Home Employment is committed to providing excellent customer service, ensuring that both employers and helpers have a positive experience. Continuous support and follow-up help address any issues promptly, maintaining a productive and harmonious household.
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